Update from Alaska

As I sit here listening to my itunes, I am slowly recognizing the reality of my time here. I sit in staff meetings and help plan events now that I am not going to be a part of...and that's bizarre. I try to take time and reflect over the past nine months of my life as a whole, but I can't seem to wrap my mind around it. I am at a loss. I know, without a shadow of a doubt that God called me to Texas to teach me. Over the past nine months there have been many "ah ha" moments where I recognized the lesson God was teaching. But if you've talked to me about it, you would know that I came down here anticipating a huge "ah ha" moment where the heavens parted and God spoke audibly to me about my purpose for being in Texas. Strangely I always figure God is going to speak to me like that (and truly desire for God to speak to me like that) but He never does. You would think I would learn, but I seem to be a little hard-headed in this area. I'm absolutely not saying that God doesn't speak to me...He just chooses to do it in different ways than what I expect. I think He does this with me because I am such a control freak and He wants to remind me of who is REALLY in control. Either way, He has spoken to me through the girls I work with...I have seen lives changed. I have seen new excitement in life and in His Word. He has spoken to me about myself. Through my vulnerability during times of fasting and loneliness, I have had no where to go but to Him. This has been the hardest lesson for me and probably the best. He has spoken to me through the books of Daniel and John. As I've studied them over the past year I strive to have the integrity of Daniel, the love of John and the heart of Jesus. I have been convicted countless times of my ministry failings, but inspired to do new and visionary things when I return. More than anything I have realized the importance of family, good friends and my calling. I came to Texas concerned about how I would connect with students of the South. What did I have in common with kids from Texas? But, God has shown me that love for students is universal....and that's just what they need, someone to love them. Students are broken, hurting, stressed and pressured. That is the same in Dallas, Texas as it is in Chugiak, Alaska. I love students, whether they're from rich suburbs, Alaska Native villages, po-dunk farming communities, or my back yard. And I want to see lives changed. I want to see students look beyond their world and serve, love and make a difference. I want to give students hope. This is a greater calling than I could have ever imagined, but it is mine. Yesterday I sat in our study with Whitnye, a junior whom I have been mentoring on Friday afternoons. I had the opportunity to witness Whitnye having an "ah ha" moment with God in His Word. It is in those moments where I realize why I am here.