Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Saying Goodbye...

It's odd that I leave in just 3 days and it hasn't really hit me yet. I had to say goodbye to my best friend last night and we've been friends since we were 4. We've always lived by each other so it will be crazy not having her nearby. I can't say I am going to miss this "beautiful" Alaskan weather (as it has been raining for like 2 weeks straight), but I am going to miss the people. It has been hard to say goodbye to my youth. We are so a part of each other's lives that life will feel like a strange mystery to me without them around. My youth have made me so much of who I am today, as they challenge me to grow and stretch and be the leader they need. My prayer is that I will encounter relationships at Fellowship that mold me into more of who God wants me to be (as long as that doesn't include being a cowgirl :)


Blogger BrittneyJenea said...

I just want to say Thank you so much for everything you have done for me and i think it is ok to say this on behalf of all of the youth! you have been such an amazing,leader,friend,mentor,
inspiration, and sister to us all! I pray that you will impact the lives of everyone you encounter, not only here, but in texas and where ever God will lead you throughout your life! Again thank you so much!
In Him,
Brittney Jenea
Isaiah 40:31
God Bless!
Don't forget us!

7:11 PM


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