Saturday, March 31, 2007

Cool black and whites...

these are a few pictures from one of my girls, caroline. they were taken the night before i spoke at surge. the second one is of me, caroline and kellie :)

Speaking at Surge

This post is a little late, as I spoke at Surge a couple of weeks ago, but I just got pictures. I got the opportunity to speak for our 7th and 8th grade youth program (Surge) and it was so much fun ! We were doing a series called "Spring Break Showdown" and I taught the first night of it on the story of David and Goliath. For my introduction, and to show how big Goliath was, I had a foamboard cut-out of Dirk from the Dallas Mavericks. I started out by saying how horrible a basketball player I am and how I played for a whole season my seventh grade year and never made a basket (the kids laughed at me). Then I talked about how amazing Dirk is and how he would totally school me if we played one-on-one. I would go into that game as an underdog...then, as you can imagine, I tied it into the story of David and Goliath. David, being the complete underdog, defeated the "Dirk of the Philistines" Goliath. I got good feedback from staff, students and volunteers. It was a great opportunity and speaking outside at Fellowship Lake was awesome!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Kelsey is in town!!!

One of my students from Alaska came down to visit me for her spring break...Miss Kelsey Tanner!!! We've had a blast so far- sightseeing, showing off Fellowship ministries and lots of shopping. We had a great slumber party on Friday night here at my house with a bunch of my high school students here at Fellowship. And today we went with Dori, Morgan and her friend Chanel to downtown Fort Worth to visit the Stock Yards and an amazing Mexican restaurant. Kelsey is planning on working with me in the office tomorrow and then we'll need to get a little more shopping in before she goes home on Wednesday. God is so good in how He has showed my two worlds coming together this week as my students down here get to spend time with Kelsey. She really is like a celebrity down's so fun! More pictures to come, but here are a few...

Friday, March 16, 2007

Dallas Stars Hockey

First NHL game, first professional game of any kind, first hockey game in Texas...I got to experience all of these firsts on Thursday night as the Dallas Stars took on the Calgary Flames at the American Airlines Center in Dallas! The game was amazing...we won 4-2 and scored our final goal in the last few minutes. The highlight of the game, for me, was when one of our players made a great slap shot and hit the goal tender's helmet so hard that it flew off! I've never seen that in a game before...too good! I went to the game with one of my close friends, Brandi, and two guys from our home team at Fellowship, Mike and Ryan. It was a great group to watch the game with. We met up before the game and rode the TRE train into downtown (super fun...I love trains). I'm slowly knocking down my list of things to do in Dallas before I leave, this of course being one of them. I'm so blessed to have people that I can experience these things with, who really know how to get around and make the best of it all. Thanks, guys!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Spring has Sprung in Flower Mound

It's days like today that I am thankful to be in Texas. The weather is beautiful, the trees are budding, the flowers are blooming...oh, and I got to spend time with some Alaskan friends! Dwayne and Misti Wright were down for a ministry conference in Austin. Since they were flying out of DFW, they stayed an extra night to see me! We had dinner together at the Cheesecake Factory last night...yum...and this morning I took them on a little tour of Fellowship and we went to church together. I has so much fun talking with them about ministry, life here in Texas and life at home in Alaska. There's nothing better than good friends! Oh, by the way, thanks James Nugen for the wonderful dinner :) ...I miss you Nugen clan!