Friday, March 16, 2007

Dallas Stars Hockey

First NHL game, first professional game of any kind, first hockey game in Texas...I got to experience all of these firsts on Thursday night as the Dallas Stars took on the Calgary Flames at the American Airlines Center in Dallas! The game was amazing...we won 4-2 and scored our final goal in the last few minutes. The highlight of the game, for me, was when one of our players made a great slap shot and hit the goal tender's helmet so hard that it flew off! I've never seen that in a game before...too good! I went to the game with one of my close friends, Brandi, and two guys from our home team at Fellowship, Mike and Ryan. It was a great group to watch the game with. We met up before the game and rode the TRE train into downtown (super fun...I love trains). I'm slowly knocking down my list of things to do in Dallas before I leave, this of course being one of them. I'm so blessed to have people that I can experience these things with, who really know how to get around and make the best of it all. Thanks, guys!


Blogger mw said...

what? you like hockey?

'bout time you saw an NHL game - I thought we'd lose you to the rodeos or something...

p.s. stars suck!

10:59 PM

Blogger Sarah and Paul said... mean hoped Matt! :) You can't come back unless you like a little country! :)

11:33 PM


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