The New Phase Of My Internship

As most of you already know, I am now well into the new phase of my internship here at Fellowship Church...Junior High Ministry! I know what you're thinking...she hasn't done junior high ministry since right after high school. God sure does like to keep me on my toes, huh? I've really been enjoying getting to work with the amazingly talented staff in junior high and meeting a brand new group of students. The Junior High Ministry at Fellowship is 6th-8th grade, with 6th grade meeting at their Merge services during each of our four weekend services and 7th-8th grade meeting on Wednesday nights at Surge. Right now I am working with the team to develop both the services for Merge and Surge, although my primary focus is the 7th grade students. They are looking to hire a 7th grade pastor, so I am just filling in until that position gets filled. It's funny, I feel like a celebrity working with the junior high since I have been on stage a lot in the last few weeks. Andy, our junior high pastor, really wanted to introduce me right so the guys made a game so the kids could get to know me (called Meet Stephanie). This picture sh

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