Sunday, December 10, 2006

The Winter Wonderland

I picked Morgan up from school on Friday and we had a little Christmas evening together. We went Christmas shopping at our local outlet mall, Grapevine Mills, where she got presents for her family. Then we drove over to this super sweet hotel down the street. It's called the Gaylord (yeah, I laughed the first few times I heard it, too) and it sits on Lake Grapevine. This hotel is amazing and goes all out for the holidays! We were excited to go check out their decorations and the ice sculptures we had heard about. It cracks me up how people in Texas react to the cold...can I just say that? We found out that the area they keep the sculptures in is only 9 degrees, which Morgan was freaking out about, and they gave us these sweet coats to wear! As we made our way through it was beautiful, but I have to say that it did not hold a candle to the ice sculptures in Fairbanks! It was super fun experiencing this with Morgan and we both got to ride the ice slide at the end. She was pumped to see her breath in the cold and laughed that our cheeks and noses got red. I really would like to see her in Alaska! Christmas is Texas is so different, but really cool. People go all out with their decorations in the neighborhoods of DFW. I do have to say, I'm ready to come home for a real white Christmas!


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