Girls Night Sleep Over

Last Friday night I invited all the girls from the Campus Team I lead to a girls night at our house. Dori was gracious enough to have 8 girls come take over the house with me...I'm so blessed to live with someone who loves youth! Our night was full of games, making and decorating cookies, doing each others hair, and hanging out. I love spending time with the girls! Here is a picture of Kira (with the quilt) and Moe (in the black hoodie) who fell asleep first, as the rest of us were playing Clue. The pictures below are of some of us making cookies. It didn't work as easy as I had planned, but the cookies ended up turning out pretty good and there was some creative decorating going on. I'm so blessed by the girls in my team (Kira, Moe, Kellie, Caroline, Jenny, Anna, Katherine and our honorary member Marissa-who's actually a part of another team, but loves to hang out with us) and I am enjoying getting to be a part of their lives as I'm down here in Texas. We've done a lot of stuff together this year, from football games to movies to shopping to camping, but this was definately one of the best times together so far! Love you, girls!

hey steph:D can i come sometime when you have people over next time?:P but yeah, i wanna go to texas sometime. my aunt lives in texas, but ahm not really sure where. so hows life treatin you? everythings ok here, really cold too. well, gon go now.
love ya!
plunky tuntutuliaker
2:13 PM
Oh, the cookies look like fun. I'm gald you have an awesome group of girls.
Hey, I was wondering what your parents address is? I'm getting Thand you cards together still and need to sent them one.
I love you!
2:50 AM
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