Sorry I haven't posted in a while...life has been busy! I'm planning on making a few posts today to redeem myself with all of you faithful blog readers that have gotten bored of the same picture of my house for the past week or so :)

These are pictures from our Senior Retreat we had last weekend at Pine Cove Camp...about a 2 hour drive from the church. We took a group of about 35 seniors out for an overnight retreat. The facility is amazing...lots to do, including horsebackriding. This is my group of riders that braved the trails with me (don't you dig our helmets?). I wanted pictures on the horses, but I was unable to take my camera with me so this will have to do. This is a picture of Prater (the Senior High Pastor) speaking to the kids. The weekend was a great way for me to get to know some of the students. And, as alway

s, they were in awe of the fact that I'm from Alaska, don't live in an igloo, drive a car instead of a dog team, and speak English (instead of "Alaskan"...funny story for another time). I know there are a number of reasons that God has called me to Texas this year. I'm slowly starting to figure out what they are. I know that the girls in my Campus Team are hungry for female leadership, which has been really cool, I know that I am paired with Chase

for Campus Team East to help grow that team from the ground up, and I know that I am called to educate the students of Texas about Alaska! "Yes, there is life in Alaska." -as I show them my picture album. But really, the students of the DFW area are amazing kids and I am blessed to get to work with them this year. Finally, this is the sweet bus we had to take us to camp...the best part is the license plates (take a good look).
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