My new family!

Here we are, me and my new fam...that's me, Morgan and Dori. They are the beautiful women that God has graced me with this year. I get a chance to share their amazing home and be a part of their lives for the next year and I'm thrilled. This picture was taken today at Six Flags Over Texas. We had to take my dad before he leaves tommorow afternoon. It was a blast and the weather really cooperated with us. It was overcast today in the DFW area and only got up to the low 80's. I got a chance to visit Fellowship Church last night for the first time. I met Chris Prater, the high school pastor, and a bunch of the high school staff. Dad, Dori and I went to service (they have 2 on Saturday nights) at 5pm. Dori worked the junior high ministry during the 6:30 service, while Dad, Morgan and I got a full tour of the church and offices from two of the Campus Team Pastors, Chase (the one I'll be working with) and Paul. The youth team seems awesome and as sarcastic as I am, so we'll get along just fine! They tried to pull a few over on me by telling me my office was in the stock room and it was "under renovation" and that I had to report to work on Tuesday around 5:30am! Nice try, boys! Anyhoo, Texas is treating me well thus far. I'll be sad to say goodbye to Dad tommorow, as he's my last Alaskan goodbye and we've had some good times together during the past few weeks. But, I've got to tell you how truly blessed I feel right now...God is a provider and so many little things that I have worried about in all of this have fallen into place. He's in it all and I can't wait to see what's next...I'll keep you posted ;)
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