Monday, October 23, 2006

God-blessed Reunion

This weekend I got the blessing of spending time with old friends from Alaska! The Beaubiens moved from Alaska to Texas about 6 year ago. They live about an hour outside of Lubbock in a little town on the Texas/New Mexico border. God gave me this weekend away at the perfect time, as I had been really homesick this past week. I spent the weekend with Robyne, Jon and Lauren (Little Jon is off at college). We shopped, went to the Buddy Holly Museum, shopped, ate some good food, went to see Lauren cheer at a football game, shopped, talked about old times and our great state of AK, shopped, drank some good coffee, went to church and shared about what God had done in our lives over the past few years. I love and miss this family so much, so it was amazing to spend the weekend with them. We promised to do it again before I return to Alaska. As I was away from Dallas, I was missed, which is always a nice feeling. Two of my good friends down here, JR and Brandi, came and picked me up at the airport. As you can see, I got a little surprise by them...they are too funny! Needless to say, we got a few weird looks at the airport. I felt loved, though! I'm going to have to get some normal pictures of them to show all of you at home how beautiful my friends really me, this picture does not do them justice, but I had to share it with you!


Blogger Brad Rud said...

Hey girl! You were not only missed in TX, you are greatly missed here!!! Kim's doing a great job, your leadership team is awesome, but we miss you!!! Fill me in. - Brad

12:02 PM


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