Rough week of ministry
This has been a tough week. It seems like there is a lot going on in the lives of students and we are really feeling it in our ministry. The biggest thing happened yesterday afternoon after school. A freshman girl from Coppell High was running across the street and another Coppell student ran into her with her car. The girl was taken to the nearest hospital in a helicopter and is in critical condition. The girl that hit her and her older brother both come to the Mix. After everything happened, rumors started flying and we had heard last night that the girl that got hit actually passed away. Come to find out, this morning she is in critical condition. Chase and I went to school and helped counsel kids who witnessed the accident and/or are friends with the girls involved. It is a blessing that the kids had a half day today and have a four day weekend. Be in prayer for the girl that got hit, the one that hit her, their families and the school in general...everyone is pretty emotional right now. Thanks for your support.
Hey you,
I prayed for the girl who got hit as soon as i read your post. How is she doing? i'm praying for her healing and for God's glory to be brought into that school in a powerful way though this incident. In all things God works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to his purpose.
6:25 PM
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