Saturday, October 28, 2006

Downtown Dallas

I got the opportunity to spend most of my weekend in downtown Dallas! On Friday, a good friend of mine named Kristin took me on a tour of the "Big D" (as she refers to it).
She drove me all over the downtown area to show me the different districts of the city. We ate at an amazing Tex Mex place called Chuys (I think that's how you spell it). It is an old restaurant with great food and fun atmosphere. Here's a picture of it. Then we experienced the highlight of my day...we visited the JFK memorial museum in the 6th Story of the School Book Depository Building. It was incredible. Kristin got us the audio tour, which I completely recommend if any of you get a chance to do it. Afterward we went and took pictures out around the Grassy Knoll...the American flag was bought in the gift shop. Here are some of the views from that area. Afterward we went into "Uptown" and ate totally took me back to good! We wrapped up the day with a trip to Urban Outfitters, a popular shopping destination, where we just looked at all the cool stuff (the prices were a little spendy). Kristin was an amazing tour guide and I had a great day. Saturday morning I got up early to meet some of our students at the church. We made around 300 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to take downtown to feed the homeless of Dallas. As we experienced in September, it was a blessing to all involved. Our eyes were again opened to the need and we are committed to bringing more than just food with us next time we go. Watching the students serve in this ministry is incredible. As we debriefed afterward with the group, we thanked the Lord for letting us be His hands and feet the those in need. What a blessed weekend!

Monday, October 23, 2006

God-blessed Reunion

This weekend I got the blessing of spending time with old friends from Alaska! The Beaubiens moved from Alaska to Texas about 6 year ago. They live about an hour outside of Lubbock in a little town on the Texas/New Mexico border. God gave me this weekend away at the perfect time, as I had been really homesick this past week. I spent the weekend with Robyne, Jon and Lauren (Little Jon is off at college). We shopped, went to the Buddy Holly Museum, shopped, ate some good food, went to see Lauren cheer at a football game, shopped, talked about old times and our great state of AK, shopped, drank some good coffee, went to church and shared about what God had done in our lives over the past few years. I love and miss this family so much, so it was amazing to spend the weekend with them. We promised to do it again before I return to Alaska. As I was away from Dallas, I was missed, which is always a nice feeling. Two of my good friends down here, JR and Brandi, came and picked me up at the airport. As you can see, I got a little surprise by them...they are too funny! Needless to say, we got a few weird looks at the airport. I felt loved, though! I'm going to have to get some normal pictures of them to show all of you at home how beautiful my friends really me, this picture does not do them justice, but I had to share it with you!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Chase's Birthday Week

Chase's 22nd birthday was last Thursday and he got to celebrate it all week long. Let's just say the students blessed him! He started the week with these girls from my campus team taking us out to the lake for a picnic on their day off. They spent all morning preparing a "Southern home-cooked" meal from scratch for us. We had everything from fried chicken, bisquits, mashed potatoes, macoroni and cheese, fruit, sweet tea and chocolate cake! The girls really could open up a business with how good this food was. On Wednesday night after the Mix we had pre-arranged it with Chili's to decorate for his birthday and bring in a pinata. A few of the students filled a horse shaped pinata with all of his favorite candy and put sticks on it as antlers (because he loves to hunt). It was too much fun watching him hit his pinata for the first time ever in his life! He had students write on the windows of his car and decorate his was crazy! Then a few of the girls brought him a birthday cake with 22 candles on it and we played pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey in the office! It was too good. All in all he said that it was his best birthday ever. He was stoked about the REI gift card I gave him (as part of Alaska) and proceeded to spend it on bike stuff this weekend. I loved watching the students bless him this week. Their hearts are so good and I am blessed working with them. (Check out the "Happy New Year" banner that they used...too funny!)

Monday, October 09, 2006

Camping in Texas

This weekend we took a group of students from our campus team to Lake Grapevine to have a little camp about an experience! Let's just say that camping in Texas is a little different than Alaska. It was amazing, though...I think probably the coolest thing that I've done in Texas so far. We had 10 kids show up and Chase and I had a blast with them. We did everything from going on a treasure hunt down the beach, to sharing testimonies around the bonfire, to chatting in the moon light, to calling for coyotes at 1 am! Random, I know, but super fun! Oh, by the way, I won the treasure hunt, but Chase was a sore loser and while I was out getting wood stole my prize! (I'm not bitter, though) The camp-out was a great way to de-stress from a hard week and the weather was amazing. We saw a beautiful sunset on the lake and a full moon rise to see by. This was the first time for many of the students to sleep in tents...crazy, I know. We gave them some "camping tips" in setting up the tents and on gear and stuff. I got to build stronger relationships with many of my girls and we have plenty of inside jokes now. We stayed up until 4am and by that time I was wearing many layers and curled up in my sleeping bag around the campfire, as the wind had picked up on the lake. Funny thing, many of the kids were still wearing their shorts, so I got made fun of from being from Alaska and getting so cold in Texas! Whatever...let's just say that I'm a little worried to come home at Christmas as I'm getting climatized to this weather. It was so cool to be out on the lake in the warm weather, under a full moon, and sleep in a tent without a rainfly... you've got to love Texas!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Rough week of ministry

This has been a tough week. It seems like there is a lot going on in the lives of students and we are really feeling it in our ministry. The biggest thing happened yesterday afternoon after school. A freshman girl from Coppell High was running across the street and another Coppell student ran into her with her car. The girl was taken to the nearest hospital in a helicopter and is in critical condition. The girl that hit her and her older brother both come to the Mix. After everything happened, rumors started flying and we had heard last night that the girl that got hit actually passed away. Come to find out, this morning she is in critical condition. Chase and I went to school and helped counsel kids who witnessed the accident and/or are friends with the girls involved. It is a blessing that the kids had a half day today and have a four day weekend. Be in prayer for the girl that got hit, the one that hit her, their families and the school in general...everyone is pretty emotional right now. Thanks for your support.